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August 31, 2024 [Final Windows 7 Post]

Watching: Can I Remake Super Mario World in Godot? (Part 1) [wye]
Drinking: Water
Feeling: not sure tbh

After I finish writing this post, I'll be switching over to Linux full-time. For online stuff, at least. There are still a few programs I need to find alternatives for, but I'll worry about that later. And if I can't find anything, I can just boot back into Windows, do what I need to do, and then boot back into Linux. To be honest, that actually sounds like a decent idea, so I think that's what I'll do.

In other news, I finished the F-Zero anime today!! Overall, I really enjoyed it, and if you're getting into F-Zero, I'd suggest checking it out! However, I'm not gonna link the playlist I found, simply because I don't wanna potentially be responsible for all the episodes being taken down. If you wanna look for it yourself, just search something along the lines of "f-zero anime playlist" on YouTube, and it should come up.

August 30, 2024

Listening to: MANY different video game songs
Eating: Ice cream
Drinking: Water
Feeling: A little sad

Welp. Tomorrow's the day that Firefox finally pulls the plug on Windows 7, so that most likely means I'm gonna be switching to Linux full-time. Not gonna lie, even with as many issues as it's given me... I'm a little sad to see it go. Windows 7 is my favorite Windows OS of all time, followed by XP, and it's the OS I'm the most familiar with. I'm sure most of the sadness I'm feeling is coming from nostalgia, and logically, I know that switching to Linux full-time is EASILY the best option. And it's not that I don't WANT to switch to Linux full-time, either. It gave me an EXCELLENT first impression, and I'd say I have only good things to say about it so far! However, I think what's getting to me the most about this is one simple fact: I struggle with big changes. Needless to say, switching to an entirely new OS full-time (even one as similar to Windows as Linux Mint), is uhh... yeah, that's a pretty big change!

I'll get used to it eventually, I know. And I WILL still have access to all of the files I have on Windows, so that's not a problem, either. Just a little sad having to say goodbye to Windows 7 after so many years.

August 27, 2024

Watching: F-Zero - Falcon Densetsu
Playing: F-Zero Climax
Drinking: Ice water
Feeling: Hungry


So, it turns out that a LOT of the courses I've made in F-Zero Climax have a LOT of unintended skips in them. Not only that, but I've discovered that finding these skips is a BLAST, and actually pulling them off is SATISFYING AS HELL. ESPECIALLY the harder ones.

Let's take my first course, Big Blue: Air Time, for example. My personal best time in the video I uploaded is 1:32.91. Not a bad time, but also not really anything to write home about. However, after finding not just one, but TWO skips, I was able to get my personal best down to UNDER A MINUTE. The biggest of the two skips involves:

  1. Performing a Spin Booster after the first jump.
  2. Using a Reactor Might (this game's version of the S-Jets in the original SNES game) while performing said Spin Booster.
  3. Hitting the boost plate JUST before the second jump plate.
  4. Hitting the furthest right edge of said jump plate.
  5. Making a hard right turn towards that half-circle slip area.

(Quick disclaimer: The only machine I've used to pull off this skip so far is the White Cat, so I'm not sure how easily the other machines would be able to do this, if at all.)

This skip is CRAZY hard to execute (at least it is for me ghsjkhg), but GOD DAMN, does it feel good to pull off! And THAT is why I am never patching out any of these skips EVER. I want other people to feel that same satisfaction that I felt pulling them off.

Oh, and as for the smaller skip, you just make a hard left turn after hitting the boost/jump plates before the half-circle, and it lets you skip the half-circle entirely. Good for the first lap before you're able to boost, but not for much else.

August 21, 2024

Listening to: One-Winged Angel ~ FINAL FANTASY VII
Drinking: Water
Feeling: Hungry

WELL, THEN. Updating GameMaker last night was a TERRIBLE idea. As soon as I finished updating it, EVERYTHING on my computer froze. And I mean EVERYTHING. INCLUDING THE COMPUTER ITSELF. So yeah, that leaves Godot and RPG Maker as my only options for game engines now, seeing as how everything else is either A: Too expensive, B: Can't run on my computer, or C: Both.

August 17, 2024

Watching: F-Zero - Falcon Densetsu (again)
Listening to: VS Cache ~ Mega Man Battle Network: Phantom of Network
Drinking: Water
Feeling: Bored

So, umm... didn't get around to recording stuff for the BS F-Zero Deluxe LP yesterday. Long story short: I either ended up coming down with a really short-lived stomach bug, or I might've eaten something that went bad and I just didn't notice it. As for why I didn't get it done today, my family needed my help with something AND my allergies were bothering me again, so I ended up taking a Benadryl-induced nap after we were done. HOWEVER, I don't think I have anything going on tomorrow (not to mention I'm feeling better now), so I SHOULD be able to make some progress on that!

August 16, 2024

Watching: F-Zero - Falcon Densetsu (again)
Playing: F-Zero Climax (AGAIN)
Drinking: Water (AGAIN)
Feeling: F-Zero (AGAIN)

Sooooo I didn't end up watching all of the F-Zero anime in one sitting. In fact, I'm barely a quarter of the way done with it. BUT I've really liked what I've seen so far! I'm just about to start episode 15, AND IT LOOKS LIKE MAH BOI PICO'S GONNA BE THE FOCUS, AND I AM HERE FOR IT.

Still on the topic of F-Zero, remember how I said either... last month or in June, I think it was? Anyway, I said at some point in the past that I wanted to do a let's play to kinda force myself to practice voice training, right? I've finally figured out which game I wanna do! With that said, assuming I'm not too busy tomorrow, I'm gonna start recording for~

Let's Play BS F-Zero Deluxe!

It's gonna be a full, save state-less playthrough of the game on Master difficulty, with each episode covering one of the five leagues in the game! ...Which means I'm gonna have to blast through the game on Expert first, which uhh... hoo boy, that'll definitely be an experience. BUT, I wanna prove to myself that I'm actually somewhat decent at the original F-Zero, so FUCK IT, WE BALL.

I might also try to set up some kind of playlist thing on the video page, just to make things a bit more organized!

August 12, 2024

Watching: F-Zero - Falcon Densetsu
Playing: F-Zero Climax
Drinking: Water
Feeling: F-Zero


Speaking of which, I ended up uninstalling F-Zero 99. To be honest, it's not fun for me anymore. It's just frustrating. I mean, I guess that's something I need to learn to expect with battle royale games like that, but still. Plus, I needed to make space on my Switch for that 9+ GB update for DBZ Kakarot that I mentioned in the last blog post, so there was that, too.

August 9, 2024

Listening to: Do ~ Full Album [Psychostick]
Drinking: Water
Feeling: SALTY

I have been mildly inconvenienced by a game and I am now at MAXIMUM SALT LEVELS. (Not really, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't annoyed lol). Needless to say, this one's another rant post, so feel free to skip this one!

I am never. EVER. Making DLC for any games I might end up releasing in the future. And I'm half-tempted to say I'm not gonna issue any online updates for them, either. Let me explain.

One of my friends got me a copy of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot on the Switch a while back, and I haven't played it in FOREVER. And I felt really bad about not playing it, so I went to start it up, aaaaaaaaand it had a 9+ GB update. My Switch didn't even have 2 GB worth of free space. This has been an INCREDIBLY common problem I've had with the Switch. It has such little hard drive space that I have to CONSTANTLY delete more and more stuff JUST to make room for ridiculously big updates like this. If it was a standalone game, then yeah, I could understand THAT big of a file size. But an update??? Granted, the file size is probably due to a bunch of DLC being added, but STILL.

I know that turning THAT much content into a new game isn't always an option, and financially speaking, it IS probably cheaper to just add new content to an old game instead of spending more time, money, and resources on a completely new project. But there's a point where it just becomes overkill. DLC isn't always a bad thing (I mean, there's plenty of games that have DLC that I like, so saying I'm against DLC wholesale would be pretty hypocritical), but I believe that the MAJORITY of a game's content - if not ALL of it - should be present AT RELEASE. If you wanna add a couple small scenarios after release, then cool. If you wanna add some more playable characters, then cool. And OBVIOUSLY, if you need to send out a patch to fix some sort of game-breaking glitch, then you absolutely should. Sadly, devs often don't have enough time to iron out all the bugs before a game is released, so online patches are kind of a necessity in today's world. But anything beyond that is - in my VERY subjective opinion - too much.

Anyway. DBZ Kakarot on Switch. 9+ GB update. Not having enough space. Let me talk about that a bit more. As much as I love it, the Switch just doesn't have enough space for... really ANYTHING that isn't a smaller-scale game. It's why I've been sticking to getting physical copies of Switch games. It doesn't have anywhere NEAR enough space for all of the games I have for it. And now it's gotten to the point where even the UPDATES for the physical copies I have are taking up more space than the actual digital games I've downloaded. And that's WITH having an SD card in it. I hope to every single higher entity that exists that the Switch 2 (or whatever it ends up being called) has more hard drive space. Even the PS3 had enough space on it for multiple BIG digital games AND updates, and that's a console from 2006. It's a little pathetic that a console from 2017 has less hard drive space than a console from almost 20 years ago. Yes, I get that the Switch had to make concessions to be a hybrid console, but STILL.

And THAT is the reason why I'm never making any DLC for any games I might release, and why I'm reluctant about issuing online updates for them. I don't want to annoy anyone who might end up playing my stuff by constantly eating up more and more hard drive space that they might not have.

August 8, 2024

Listening to: F-Zero X / Climax - Silence ~ Dream Chaser [Cover] [King Meteor Studios]
Drinking: Water
Feeling: idk lmao

So, I tried to log into GameMaker yesterday, and uhh... a couple problems arose with that. A: Apparently it uses some Opera-based thing to handle login stuff, and B: Said Opera-based thing was down. So I just said "screw it" and downloaded Godot, and uhh... I ALREADY HAVE A PROTOTYPE PLATFORMER UP AND RUNNING???????

Like, it's INCREDIBLY simple (as in, even more simple than the original Super Mario Bros.), and I had to follow a few tutorials to get the game working the way I wanted it to, BUT IT WORKS! I think I'm gonna try to mess around with it later and HOPEFULLY get something like wall jumps and wall sliding working. (I tried doing that yesterday, and I got the wall sliding working right, but I could NOT get the wall JUMPING to work the way I wanted it to.)

If I feel like it later, I might record a video of it and post it on my videos page so y'all can see it!

August 5, 2024

Listening to: F-Zero Expanded Soundtrack [CosmicTailz]
Drinking: Water
Feeling: Bored

Got DAMB, I can't wait until summer's over. I haven't been able to go for a walk in WEEKS (or at least, what FEELS like weeks), thanks to the constant high temperatures we've been having lately. There are only two days this week that aren't supposed to be in the 90s or upper 80s. And I dunno about y'all, but I WANT to go out and touch grass. It gives me an excuse to actually go outside, get some fresh air and some light exercise, AND it gives me a chance to get away from anything stressful going on at home for a bit. Which happens a LOT. But combining the high temperatures with the high humidity AND the fact that I have asthma, going for a walk in this kind of weather would be HELL on my lungs, even with my inhaler.

Y'know what, I'm gonna put the rest of this under a drop-down box, so content warning for ranting, gender dysphoria, and sentences that are in all caps (if that's something that makes you uncomfortable). If you wanna skip the rest of this post, feel free to!

While I'm on the topic of summer, another reason I've grown to dislike it: DYSPHORIA. Thanks to the heat, I have to dress lighter than I'm normally comfortable with, because I HATE how my bare arms and legs look. I WANT THAT SHIT COVERED UP. PLEASE, MOTHER NATURE. LET ME WEAR LONG SLEEVES AND THIGH-HIGHS AGAIN. Well... okay, they're more like knee-highs for me, BUT STILL. THEY COVER UP MY LEG HAIR WHEN I DON'T HAVE THE ENERGY TO SHAVE THEM, AND I LOVE THEM FOR THAT. PLUS, THEY LOOK CUTE, AND I LIKE LOOKING CUTE.

August 2, 2024

Listening to: PROTOMAN'S THEME from MEGAMAN 3 (Sad Jazz Version) [Sebastien Romero]
Drinking: Water
Feeling: heckin sleepy

you ever have one of those days where you wake up and IMMEDIATELY want to go back to sleep? yeah, that's how my day's going so far. thankfully not because of anything bad, but just because of how Got Damb Sleepy™ i am this morning.

in other news, i think my laptop's screen is about to bite the dust. unless i have it in a specific position, the ENTIRE screen just goes white. and that specific position has been changing PRETTY frequently for the past couple days. right now, i need to have it most of the way closed for it to even display anything. i'm glad i have a TV i can use as an external monitor, at least.

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